Selasa, 21 Desember 2010
Kamis, 09 Desember 2010
Manfaat Dzikir
Dzikir atau mengucapkan kata-kata
pujian yang mengingat kebesaran
Allah SWT, adalah amalan istimewa
Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para
sahabatnya. Dzikir merupakan
media yang membuat kehidupan
Nabi dan para sahabat benar-benar
Ibnu al-Qoyyim Rahimahullah
mengatakan bahwa dzikir memiliki
tujuh puluh tiga manfaat yaitu:
1. Mengusir setan dan menjadikannya
2. Membuat Allah ridah.
3. Menghilangkan rasa sedih,dan
gelisah dari hati manusia.
4. Membahagiakan dan melapangkan
5. Menguatkan hati dan badan.
6. Menyinari wajah dan hati.
7. Membuka lahan rezeki.
8. Menghiasi orang yang berdzikir
dengan pakaian kewibawaan,
disenangi dan dicintai manusia.
9. Melahirkan kecintaan.
10. Mengangkat manusia ke maqam
11. Melahirkan inabah, ingin kembali
kepada Allah.
12. Orang yang berdzikir dekat dengan
13. Pembuka semua pintu ilmu.
14. Membantu seseorang merasakan
kebesaran Allah.
15. Menjadikan seorang hamba disebut
disisi Allah.
16. Menghidupkan hati.
17. Menjadi makanan hati dan ruh.
18. Membersihkan hati dari kotoran.
19. Membersihkan dosa.
20. Membuat jiwa dekat dengan Allah.
21. Menolong hamba saat kesepian.
22. Suara orang yang berdzikir dikenal
di langit tertinggi.
23. Penyelamat dari azab Allah.
24. Menghadirkan ketenangan.
25. Menjaga lidah dari perkataan yang
26. Majlis dzikir adalah majlis malaikat.
27. Mendapatkan berkah Allah dimana
28. Tidak akan merugi dan menyesal di
hari kiamat.
29. Berada dibawah naungan Allah
dihari kiamat.
30. Mendapat pemberian yang paling
31. Dzikir adalah ibadah yang paling
32. Dzikir adalah bunga dan pohon
33. Mendapat kebaikan dan anugerah
yang tak terhingga.
34. Tidak akan lalai terhadap diri dan
Allah pun tidak melalaikannya.
35. Dalam dzikir tersimpan kenikmatan
surga dunia.
36. Mendahului seorang hamba dalam
segala situasi dan kondisi.
37. Dzikir adalah cahaya di dunia dan
38. Dzikir sebagai pintu menuju Allah.
39. Dzikir merupakan sumber kekuatan
qalbu dan kemuliaan jiwa.
40. Dzikir merupakan penyatu hati
orang beriman dan pemecah hati
musuh Allah.
41. Mendekatkan kepada ahirat dan
menjauhkan dari dunia.
42. Menjadikan hati selalu terjaga.
43. Dzikir adalah pohon ma’rifat dan
pola hidup orang shalih.
44. Pahala berdzikir sama dengan
berinfak dan berjihad dijalan Allah.
45. Dzikir adalah pangkal kesyukuran.
46. Mendekatkan jiwa seorang hamba
kepada Allah.
47. Melembutkan hati.
48. Menjadi obat hati.
49. Dzikir sebagai modal dasar untuk
mencintai Allah.
50. Mendatangkan nikmat dan menolak
51. Allah dan Malaikatnya mengucapkan
shalawat kepada pedzikir.
52. Majlis dzikir adalah taman surga.
53. Allah membanggakan para pedzikir
kepada para malaikat.
54. Orang yang berdzikir masuk surga
dalam keadaan tersenyum.
55. Dzikir adalah tujuan prioritas dari
kewajiban beribadah.
56. Semua kebaikan ada dalam dzikir.
57. Melanggengkan dzikir dapat
mengganti ibadah tathawwu’.
58. Dzikir menolong untuk berbuat amal
59. Menghilangkan rasa berat dan
mempermudah yang susah.
60. Menghilangkan rasa takut dan
menimbulkan ketenangan jiwa.
61. Memberikan kekuatan jasad.
62. Menolak kefakiran.
63. Pedzikir merupakan orang yang
pertama bertemu dengan Allah.
64. Pedzikir tidak akan dibangkitkan
bersama para pendusta.
65. Dengan dzikir rumah-rumah surga
dibangun, dan kebun-kebun surga
ditanami tumbuhan dzikir.
66. Penghalang antara hamba dan
67. Malaikat memintakan ampun bagi
orang yang berdzikir.
68. Pegunungan dan hamparan bumi
bergembira dengan adanya orang
yang berdzikir.
69. Membersihkan sifat munafik.
70. Memberikan kenikmatan tak
71. Wajah pedzikir paling cerah didunia
dan bersinar di ahirat.
72. Dzikir menambah saksi bagi
seorang hamba di ahirat.
73. Memalingkan seseorang dari
membincangkan kebathilan.
Sungguh luar biasa manfaatnya….
tetapi orang tidak akan yakin dengan
manfaat-manfaat diatas kecuali yang
telah merasakan dan
menikmatinya ….. Mari kita coba
memulainya dari sekarang
Sumber :
pujian yang mengingat kebesaran
Allah SWT, adalah amalan istimewa
Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para
sahabatnya. Dzikir merupakan
media yang membuat kehidupan
Nabi dan para sahabat benar-benar
Ibnu al-Qoyyim Rahimahullah
mengatakan bahwa dzikir memiliki
tujuh puluh tiga manfaat yaitu:
1. Mengusir setan dan menjadikannya
2. Membuat Allah ridah.
3. Menghilangkan rasa sedih,dan
gelisah dari hati manusia.
4. Membahagiakan dan melapangkan
5. Menguatkan hati dan badan.
6. Menyinari wajah dan hati.
7. Membuka lahan rezeki.
8. Menghiasi orang yang berdzikir
dengan pakaian kewibawaan,
disenangi dan dicintai manusia.
9. Melahirkan kecintaan.
10. Mengangkat manusia ke maqam
11. Melahirkan inabah, ingin kembali
kepada Allah.
12. Orang yang berdzikir dekat dengan
13. Pembuka semua pintu ilmu.
14. Membantu seseorang merasakan
kebesaran Allah.
15. Menjadikan seorang hamba disebut
disisi Allah.
16. Menghidupkan hati.
17. Menjadi makanan hati dan ruh.
18. Membersihkan hati dari kotoran.
19. Membersihkan dosa.
20. Membuat jiwa dekat dengan Allah.
21. Menolong hamba saat kesepian.
22. Suara orang yang berdzikir dikenal
di langit tertinggi.
23. Penyelamat dari azab Allah.
24. Menghadirkan ketenangan.
25. Menjaga lidah dari perkataan yang
26. Majlis dzikir adalah majlis malaikat.
27. Mendapatkan berkah Allah dimana
28. Tidak akan merugi dan menyesal di
hari kiamat.
29. Berada dibawah naungan Allah
dihari kiamat.
30. Mendapat pemberian yang paling
31. Dzikir adalah ibadah yang paling
32. Dzikir adalah bunga dan pohon
33. Mendapat kebaikan dan anugerah
yang tak terhingga.
34. Tidak akan lalai terhadap diri dan
Allah pun tidak melalaikannya.
35. Dalam dzikir tersimpan kenikmatan
surga dunia.
36. Mendahului seorang hamba dalam
segala situasi dan kondisi.
37. Dzikir adalah cahaya di dunia dan
38. Dzikir sebagai pintu menuju Allah.
39. Dzikir merupakan sumber kekuatan
qalbu dan kemuliaan jiwa.
40. Dzikir merupakan penyatu hati
orang beriman dan pemecah hati
musuh Allah.
41. Mendekatkan kepada ahirat dan
menjauhkan dari dunia.
42. Menjadikan hati selalu terjaga.
43. Dzikir adalah pohon ma’rifat dan
pola hidup orang shalih.
44. Pahala berdzikir sama dengan
berinfak dan berjihad dijalan Allah.
45. Dzikir adalah pangkal kesyukuran.
46. Mendekatkan jiwa seorang hamba
kepada Allah.
47. Melembutkan hati.
48. Menjadi obat hati.
49. Dzikir sebagai modal dasar untuk
mencintai Allah.
50. Mendatangkan nikmat dan menolak
51. Allah dan Malaikatnya mengucapkan
shalawat kepada pedzikir.
52. Majlis dzikir adalah taman surga.
53. Allah membanggakan para pedzikir
kepada para malaikat.
54. Orang yang berdzikir masuk surga
dalam keadaan tersenyum.
55. Dzikir adalah tujuan prioritas dari
kewajiban beribadah.
56. Semua kebaikan ada dalam dzikir.
57. Melanggengkan dzikir dapat
mengganti ibadah tathawwu’.
58. Dzikir menolong untuk berbuat amal
59. Menghilangkan rasa berat dan
mempermudah yang susah.
60. Menghilangkan rasa takut dan
menimbulkan ketenangan jiwa.
61. Memberikan kekuatan jasad.
62. Menolak kefakiran.
63. Pedzikir merupakan orang yang
pertama bertemu dengan Allah.
64. Pedzikir tidak akan dibangkitkan
bersama para pendusta.
65. Dengan dzikir rumah-rumah surga
dibangun, dan kebun-kebun surga
ditanami tumbuhan dzikir.
66. Penghalang antara hamba dan
67. Malaikat memintakan ampun bagi
orang yang berdzikir.
68. Pegunungan dan hamparan bumi
bergembira dengan adanya orang
yang berdzikir.
69. Membersihkan sifat munafik.
70. Memberikan kenikmatan tak
71. Wajah pedzikir paling cerah didunia
dan bersinar di ahirat.
72. Dzikir menambah saksi bagi
seorang hamba di ahirat.
73. Memalingkan seseorang dari
membincangkan kebathilan.
Sungguh luar biasa manfaatnya….
tetapi orang tidak akan yakin dengan
manfaat-manfaat diatas kecuali yang
telah merasakan dan
menikmatinya ….. Mari kita coba
memulainya dari sekarang
Sumber :
Jumat, 03 Desember 2010
Ini adalah salah satu puisi yg sya buat sendiri.
Baguz atau tidak.
Silahkan anda beri kmentar.
Kpan baikny Q mlai ksah
Ksah yg mmbuat Q.
Jdi orng lain.
Se'orng yg dsna.
Entah knpa.
Sllu mnggu Q dtng.
Q tak prnah dtng s'kli pun.
Bkanny Q tak mau.
Tpi Q tak bza.
Hti Q dsna.
Tpi tbuh nie msh dsni.
Tak bza brgrak.
Krna trhlang dnding yg
sngt tnggi.
Yg tak mngkin bza .
Untk Q lwati.
Dan Kau.
Msih dsna.
Mnnti Q dtng.
Tpi Q ttap tak bza dtng
Mski wktu tlah lma brllu.
Sjak Kau dsna.
Tpi Q ttap tak bza.
Mlwati dnding itu.
Shngga Q truz dsni.
Sprtiny Q tak bza ksna.
Baguz atau tidak.
Silahkan anda beri kmentar.
Kpan baikny Q mlai ksah
Ksah yg mmbuat Q.
Jdi orng lain.
Se'orng yg dsna.
Entah knpa.
Sllu mnggu Q dtng.
Q tak prnah dtng s'kli pun.
Bkanny Q tak mau.
Tpi Q tak bza.
Hti Q dsna.
Tpi tbuh nie msh dsni.
Tak bza brgrak.
Krna trhlang dnding yg
sngt tnggi.
Yg tak mngkin bza .
Untk Q lwati.
Dan Kau.
Msih dsna.
Mnnti Q dtng.
Tpi Q ttap tak bza dtng
Mski wktu tlah lma brllu.
Sjak Kau dsna.
Tpi Q ttap tak bza.
Mlwati dnding itu.
Shngga Q truz dsni.
Sprtiny Q tak bza ksna.
Linkin Park - And One
Ow. .
Ini adalah lirik lagu dari Band favorit saya, Linkin Park. Dan merupakan salah satu lagu kesukaan saya. Let's see the lyric.
Where should I start
Disjointed heart
I ’ve got no commitment
To my own flesh and blood
Left all alone
Far from my home
No one to hear me, to heal
my ill
heart, I
Keep it locked up inside
Cannot express
To the point I ’ve regressed
If anger’s a gift, then I
guess I’ve
been blessed, I
Keep it locked up inside
Keep my distance from
your lies
It’s too late to love me
You helped me to show me
It ’s too late to love me
You don't even know me
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Break)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace (Me)
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Too)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Keep it locked up inside
Keep my distance from
your lies
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Break)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace (Me)
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Too)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Keep my distance
Keep my distance
Keep my distance
Keep my distance
[music slows to rap solo...]
Spit drips from the jaw of
witless witness
Cryptic colloquialism shifts
Dark all I do embark the
Involved with my thought
analogue, rap catalog
Keep my distance, and
resistance, hurt by
The twisted web of
tangled lies
Strangles my hope to
waste and
numbs the taste
And I'm forced to face
these hate
Against the state of being
Feeling the weight-less-
ness pressed
between the ceiling
Reeling around room
Riding a bubble of sound
It's the frequency making
Sha-Shake with every
Involuntary muscle
Ignoring and drinking
musical gas
fueled euphoria
The sound pounds to make
dead flush
To have you a head rush
with red
thoughts and said stuff.
Ini adalah lirik lagu dari Band favorit saya, Linkin Park. Dan merupakan salah satu lagu kesukaan saya. Let's see the lyric.
Where should I start
Disjointed heart
I ’ve got no commitment
To my own flesh and blood
Left all alone
Far from my home
No one to hear me, to heal
my ill
heart, I
Keep it locked up inside
Cannot express
To the point I ’ve regressed
If anger’s a gift, then I
guess I’ve
been blessed, I
Keep it locked up inside
Keep my distance from
your lies
It’s too late to love me
You helped me to show me
It ’s too late to love me
You don't even know me
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Break)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace (Me)
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Too)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Keep it locked up inside
Keep my distance from
your lies
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Break)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace (Me)
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
release (Too)
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Breaking a part of my
heart to find
Taking you out of my
blood to
bring me peace
Keep my distance
Keep my distance
Keep my distance
Keep my distance
[music slows to rap solo...]
Spit drips from the jaw of
witless witness
Cryptic colloquialism shifts
Dark all I do embark the
Involved with my thought
analogue, rap catalog
Keep my distance, and
resistance, hurt by
The twisted web of
tangled lies
Strangles my hope to
waste and
numbs the taste
And I'm forced to face
these hate
Against the state of being
Feeling the weight-less-
ness pressed
between the ceiling
Reeling around room
Riding a bubble of sound
It's the frequency making
Sha-Shake with every
Involuntary muscle
Ignoring and drinking
musical gas
fueled euphoria
The sound pounds to make
dead flush
To have you a head rush
with red
thoughts and said stuff.
Simple Plan - Perfect
Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to
And do you think I'm
wasting my
time doing things I wanna
But it hurts when you
disapprove all
And now I try hard to
make it
I just want to make you
I'm never gonna be good
for you
I can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to
be my
All the days you spent with
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't
And now I try hard to
make it
I just want to make you
I'm never gonna be good
for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Nothing's gonna change
the things
that you said
Nothing's gonna make this
Please don't turn your
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect.
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to
And do you think I'm
wasting my
time doing things I wanna
But it hurts when you
disapprove all
And now I try hard to
make it
I just want to make you
I'm never gonna be good
for you
I can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to
be my
All the days you spent with
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't
And now I try hard to
make it
I just want to make you
I'm never gonna be good
for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Nothing's gonna change
the things
that you said
Nothing's gonna make this
Please don't turn your
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect.
Choi shi won
Choi Si-won (born February 10,
1987; his real birthday is actually
April 7, 1986, but his parents didn't
register his birth with national
registry until February 10, 1987),
sometimes mononymously
credited as Siwon, is a Korean pop
singer and actor. He is a member of
super boy band Super Junior and is
part of its subgroup, Super Junior-
M. Siwon is best known for his role
in the 2006 Hong Kong historical
action film A Battle of Wits as the
young prince, Liang Shi. He is also
one of the first four Korean artists to
be on Chinese postage stamps.[1]
Early life
Siwon was born and raised in an
affluent, strict Protestant family in
Seoul, South Korea. He was scouted
by a talent agent when he was 16,
who recommended him to audition
for the Starlight Casting System to
become an entertainer. Siwon's
parents disapproved him pursuing
in an entertainment career, so he
had to secretly audition. He
successfully passed auditions, and
after consideration, his parents
allowed him to sign under the talent
agency SM Entertainment. Siwon
said that although his father allowed
him to sign the contract, he would
not give any help to his son.[2] He
later moved into dormitories with
fellow trainees and he was trained in
areas of singing, acting, and
dancing. He made his first
appearance in a music video of The
Grace's Dana when he was still a
solo singer in 2003. A year after, he
made a brief appearance in the short
drama, Precious Family. In 2005,
Siwon made a brief appearance in
the KBS drama Eighteen, Twenty-
Nine as the young Kang Bong-man.
Music career
Not long after Siwon's first television
appearance, SM Entertainment
released an announcement that he
would officially debut as one of the
twelve members in a boy band.
This band later became officially
known as Super Junior 05, the first
generation of the rotational music
group Super Junior. A few months
before the debut of Super Junior 05,
Siwon made his first official media
appearance with band mate Han
Geng as a runway model in a
fashion show by Bum Suk.
Super Junior 05 officially debuted on
November 6, 2005 on SBS's music
program Popular Songs,
performing their first single, "TWINS
(Knock Out)". Their debut
performance attracted over 500
fans and also garnered oversea
viewers from both China and Japan.
A full studio album was released a
month later, which debuted at #3
on the monthly MIAK K-pop album
In March 2006, SM Entertainment
began to recruit new members for
the next Super Junior generation.
However, plans changed when the
company added in a thirteenth
member, Kyuhyun, and the
company declared a halt in forming
future Super Junior generations. The
group dropped the suffix "05" and
became officially credited as Super
Junior. The re-polished group hit big
after they released their first CD
single "U" the following summer,
which became Super Junior's most
successful single in the music charts
until the release of " Sorry, Sorry" in
March 2009.
In late 2007, Siwon was put into
Super Junior-M, the Chinese
subgroup version of Super Junior.
Super Junior-M is the first
international music group in the
Chinese music industry to have
members of both Chinese and
Korean descent, and brought an
influence in the mainland music
industry to produce multi-national
music groups.[4] Super Junior-M
debuted in China on April 8, 2008 at
the 8th Annual Music Chart Awards
with the release of their first single
music video, " U". The subgroup
released their first Chinese-language
studio album, Me, on May 2, 2008
to critical success. The album
debuted on Taiwan's G-music
combo charts as #2 and #1 on
many of China's and Thailand's
music charts.[5]
He also appeared in Girl's Generation
music video "Hoot".
Acting career
After Siwon's appearances in
Eighteen, Twenty-Nine and Precious
Family, he was casted in a larger
role for the mini-series Spring
Waltz, playing the supporting role
Park Sang-woo, the teenage cousin
of a diligent and working young
woman. Not long after Siwon's
musical debut, he was casted in a
large supporting role in the Hong
Kong epic film A Battle of Wits
starring opposite Andy Lau. The
cast promoted the movie
throughout China with a short tour
of four cities in November 2006.[6]
While the film received mixed
reviews, Siwon garnered positive
notices for his performance. He also
received praises from co-star Lau,
stating that Siwon is a wonderful
actor and that he sets a good
example for young Hong Kong
Half a year after the release of A
Battle of Wits, Siwon starred in the
high school mystery/comedy film
Attack on the Pin-Up Boys with
other Super Junior members. He
played the lead role as a controlling
and severe class president who was
one of the popular possible subjects
of being attacked by mysterious
forces. Despite positive critical
ratings, that film did not do well in
the box-office, but all four versions
of the film's DVD were all sold out
and broke chart records.[8] A few
months later, Siwon was cast in
mini-drama Legend of Hyang Dan
as the lead role, Lee Mong-ryong.
In January 2010, Siwon was
confirmed to be a lead role in the
SBS drama Oh My Lady which
began airing on March 22. It is a
romantic comedy about a top star
who finds himself living with his
manager, a 35 year old woman
who is trying to earn money to
have custody of her child. This is
Siwon's first lead role in about two
On June 17, 2010, it was confirmed
that Choi Siwon would take the role
of Kim Joon Ho, a new data analyst
in the drama Athena, a spin-off of
just ended drama Iris.
Personal life
Siwon continued his education after
his debut with Super Junior in 2005.
He graduated from Gu Jeong High
School in February 2006 and later
went on to attend Inha University.
For continuity of his role in A Battle
of Wits, his company arranged him
to travel to Beijing, China along with
labelmate Hyoyeon of Girls'
Generation in 2004 to learn about
the country's language and history.
He studied there for three months
before his return to Korea to prepare
for his debut in Super Junior a year
Siwon is a devout Christian. He is
also a drummer, having performed
with his senior label mates TRAX in
September 2006 on SBS's music
show Popular Songs due to the fact
that their drummer, Rose, had left
the band. He is skilled in Taekwondo
and became the youngest in Korea
holding the fourth rank in the black
On May 18, 2010, Siwon underwent
surgery to remove his inflamed
salivary gland. He had been taking
anti-inflammatory medicine for the
inflammation during filming for the
SBS drama Oh My Lady. However,
his condition worsened and he had
to undergo an operation for it.
1987; his real birthday is actually
April 7, 1986, but his parents didn't
register his birth with national
registry until February 10, 1987),
sometimes mononymously
credited as Siwon, is a Korean pop
singer and actor. He is a member of
super boy band Super Junior and is
part of its subgroup, Super Junior-
M. Siwon is best known for his role
in the 2006 Hong Kong historical
action film A Battle of Wits as the
young prince, Liang Shi. He is also
one of the first four Korean artists to
be on Chinese postage stamps.[1]
Early life
Siwon was born and raised in an
affluent, strict Protestant family in
Seoul, South Korea. He was scouted
by a talent agent when he was 16,
who recommended him to audition
for the Starlight Casting System to
become an entertainer. Siwon's
parents disapproved him pursuing
in an entertainment career, so he
had to secretly audition. He
successfully passed auditions, and
after consideration, his parents
allowed him to sign under the talent
agency SM Entertainment. Siwon
said that although his father allowed
him to sign the contract, he would
not give any help to his son.[2] He
later moved into dormitories with
fellow trainees and he was trained in
areas of singing, acting, and
dancing. He made his first
appearance in a music video of The
Grace's Dana when he was still a
solo singer in 2003. A year after, he
made a brief appearance in the short
drama, Precious Family. In 2005,
Siwon made a brief appearance in
the KBS drama Eighteen, Twenty-
Nine as the young Kang Bong-man.
Music career
Not long after Siwon's first television
appearance, SM Entertainment
released an announcement that he
would officially debut as one of the
twelve members in a boy band.
This band later became officially
known as Super Junior 05, the first
generation of the rotational music
group Super Junior. A few months
before the debut of Super Junior 05,
Siwon made his first official media
appearance with band mate Han
Geng as a runway model in a
fashion show by Bum Suk.
Super Junior 05 officially debuted on
November 6, 2005 on SBS's music
program Popular Songs,
performing their first single, "TWINS
(Knock Out)". Their debut
performance attracted over 500
fans and also garnered oversea
viewers from both China and Japan.
A full studio album was released a
month later, which debuted at #3
on the monthly MIAK K-pop album
In March 2006, SM Entertainment
began to recruit new members for
the next Super Junior generation.
However, plans changed when the
company added in a thirteenth
member, Kyuhyun, and the
company declared a halt in forming
future Super Junior generations. The
group dropped the suffix "05" and
became officially credited as Super
Junior. The re-polished group hit big
after they released their first CD
single "U" the following summer,
which became Super Junior's most
successful single in the music charts
until the release of " Sorry, Sorry" in
March 2009.
In late 2007, Siwon was put into
Super Junior-M, the Chinese
subgroup version of Super Junior.
Super Junior-M is the first
international music group in the
Chinese music industry to have
members of both Chinese and
Korean descent, and brought an
influence in the mainland music
industry to produce multi-national
music groups.[4] Super Junior-M
debuted in China on April 8, 2008 at
the 8th Annual Music Chart Awards
with the release of their first single
music video, " U". The subgroup
released their first Chinese-language
studio album, Me, on May 2, 2008
to critical success. The album
debuted on Taiwan's G-music
combo charts as #2 and #1 on
many of China's and Thailand's
music charts.[5]
He also appeared in Girl's Generation
music video "Hoot".
Acting career
After Siwon's appearances in
Eighteen, Twenty-Nine and Precious
Family, he was casted in a larger
role for the mini-series Spring
Waltz, playing the supporting role
Park Sang-woo, the teenage cousin
of a diligent and working young
woman. Not long after Siwon's
musical debut, he was casted in a
large supporting role in the Hong
Kong epic film A Battle of Wits
starring opposite Andy Lau. The
cast promoted the movie
throughout China with a short tour
of four cities in November 2006.[6]
While the film received mixed
reviews, Siwon garnered positive
notices for his performance. He also
received praises from co-star Lau,
stating that Siwon is a wonderful
actor and that he sets a good
example for young Hong Kong
Half a year after the release of A
Battle of Wits, Siwon starred in the
high school mystery/comedy film
Attack on the Pin-Up Boys with
other Super Junior members. He
played the lead role as a controlling
and severe class president who was
one of the popular possible subjects
of being attacked by mysterious
forces. Despite positive critical
ratings, that film did not do well in
the box-office, but all four versions
of the film's DVD were all sold out
and broke chart records.[8] A few
months later, Siwon was cast in
mini-drama Legend of Hyang Dan
as the lead role, Lee Mong-ryong.
In January 2010, Siwon was
confirmed to be a lead role in the
SBS drama Oh My Lady which
began airing on March 22. It is a
romantic comedy about a top star
who finds himself living with his
manager, a 35 year old woman
who is trying to earn money to
have custody of her child. This is
Siwon's first lead role in about two
On June 17, 2010, it was confirmed
that Choi Siwon would take the role
of Kim Joon Ho, a new data analyst
in the drama Athena, a spin-off of
just ended drama Iris.
Personal life
Siwon continued his education after
his debut with Super Junior in 2005.
He graduated from Gu Jeong High
School in February 2006 and later
went on to attend Inha University.
For continuity of his role in A Battle
of Wits, his company arranged him
to travel to Beijing, China along with
labelmate Hyoyeon of Girls'
Generation in 2004 to learn about
the country's language and history.
He studied there for three months
before his return to Korea to prepare
for his debut in Super Junior a year
Siwon is a devout Christian. He is
also a drummer, having performed
with his senior label mates TRAX in
September 2006 on SBS's music
show Popular Songs due to the fact
that their drummer, Rose, had left
the band. He is skilled in Taekwondo
and became the youngest in Korea
holding the fourth rank in the black
On May 18, 2010, Siwon underwent
surgery to remove his inflamed
salivary gland. He had been taking
anti-inflammatory medicine for the
inflammation during filming for the
SBS drama Oh My Lady. However,
his condition worsened and he had
to undergo an operation for it.
Lirik LINKIN PARK - Waiting for the end
This is not the end
This is not the beginning,
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something empty's within 'em
We say Yeah!
With fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something
That's invisible there,
'Cause we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all disappear.
Waiting for the end to come
Wishing I had strength to stand
This is not what I had planned
It's out of my control....
Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go...
(Oh!) I know what it takes to move
I know how it feels to lie,
All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last,
I wish it wasn't so...
(Oh!) I know what it takes to move
I know how it feels to lie,
All I wanna do
[ From:
the-end-lyrics.html ]
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
What was left when that fire was
I thought it felt right but that right
was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it's like
moving on
And i don't even know what kind of
things I've said
My mouth kept moving and my
mind went dead
So, picking up the pieces, now
where to begin?
The hardest part of ending Is
starting again!!
All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what i haven't got...
This is not the end
This is not the beginning,
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violet rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something empty's within 'em
(Holding on to what i haven't got)
We say Yeah!
With fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something
That's invisible there,
'Cause we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all disappear
(Holding on towhat i haven't got!)
This is not the beginning,
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something empty's within 'em
We say Yeah!
With fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something
That's invisible there,
'Cause we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all disappear.
Waiting for the end to come
Wishing I had strength to stand
This is not what I had planned
It's out of my control....
Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It's hard to let you go...
(Oh!) I know what it takes to move
I know how it feels to lie,
All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last,
I wish it wasn't so...
(Oh!) I know what it takes to move
I know how it feels to lie,
All I wanna do
[ From:
the-end-lyrics.html ]
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven't got
What was left when that fire was
I thought it felt right but that right
was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it's like
moving on
And i don't even know what kind of
things I've said
My mouth kept moving and my
mind went dead
So, picking up the pieces, now
where to begin?
The hardest part of ending Is
starting again!!
All I wanna do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what i haven't got...
This is not the end
This is not the beginning,
Just a voice like a riot
Rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone
And the violet rhythm
Though the words sound steady
Something empty's within 'em
(Holding on to what i haven't got)
We say Yeah!
With fists flying up in the air
Like we're holding onto something
That's invisible there,
'Cause we're living at the mercy of
The pain and the fear
Until we dead it, Forget it,
Let it all disappear
(Holding on towhat i haven't got!)